ServiceNow Series E129: Andrew Gallimore, President/CRO at Flowolf

,  | October 27 2023 | Mark Kelly

Welcome to episode 129 in our Digital Transformation series of the Alldus podcast, the show where we highlight the brightest talent and technical leadership within the ServiceNow ecosystem.

Powered by Alldus International, our goal is to share with you the insights of leaders in the field to showcase the excellent work that is being done within Digital Transformation and ServiceNow implementations across the United States and Europe.

Today’s guest is Andrew Gallimore, President/CRO at Flowolf in Cincinatti, Ohio. Flowolf supercharges your ServiceNow experience by customizing the NOW platform to fit your business needs and goals. With more than 60 years of combined ServiceNow platform experience, their managing team designs simple, easy to use processes and workflows for fast, efficient team adoption and accelerated ROI.

Flowolf Makes Business Better through product, service and integration. They build solutions to simplify everyday work life that work seamlessly with the Now platform, while their implementation and support services help grow and maintain both Flowolf and ServiceNow brand products and areas. Flowolf’s integrations help connect the disconnected – not only product to product, but also product to solution and/or solution providers.

In this episode, Andrew discusses:

His background and current work with Flowolf

Macro-trends he is seeing in the sector

Why ServiceNow is the platform of choice

How ServiceNow can benefit the business world

Advice to leaders looking to implement ServiceNow

Building a winning team

Where he sees the future of the platform evolving

Advice he would offer to his younger self

To find out more about all the great work happening at Flowolf, visit the website or follow them on LinkedIn. You can also connect with Andrew directly on LinkedIn.

If you’re interested in exploring the latest ServiceNow opportunities, check out our live vacancies or upload your resume today to keep up to date with all the latest opportunities.

Subscribe to The Alldus Podcast: 


Welcome to episode 129 in our Digital Transformation series of the Alldus podcast, the show where we highlight the brightest talent and technical leadership within the ServiceNow ecosystem.

Powered by Alldus International, our goal is to share with you the insights of leaders in the field to showcase the excellent work that is being done within Digital Transformation and ServiceNow implementations across the United States and Europe.

Today’s guest is Andrew Gallimore, President/CRO at Flowolf in Cincinatti, Ohio. Flowolf supercharges your ServiceNow experience by customizing the NOW platform to fit your business needs and goals. With more than 60 years of combined ServiceNow platform experience, their managing team designs simple, easy to use processes and workflows for fast, efficient team adoption and accelerated ROI.

Flowolf Makes Business Better through product, service and integration. They build solutions to simplify everyday work life that work seamlessly with the Now platform, while their implementation and support services help grow and maintain both Flowolf and ServiceNow brand products and areas. Flowolf’s integrations help connect the disconnected – not only product to product, but also product to solution and/or solution providers.

In this episode, Andrew discusses:

His background and current work with Flowolf

Macro-trends he is seeing in the sector

Why ServiceNow is the platform of choice

How ServiceNow can benefit the business world

Advice to leaders looking to implement ServiceNow

Building a winning team

Where he sees the future of the platform evolving

Advice he would offer to his younger self

To find out more about all the great work happening at Flowolf, visit the website or follow them on LinkedIn. You can also connect with Andrew directly on LinkedIn.

If you’re interested in exploring the latest ServiceNow opportunities, check out our live vacancies or upload your resume today to keep up to date with all the latest opportunities.

Subscribe to The Alldus Podcast: 


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