AI in Action brings together a community of AI professionals to discuss industry insights and trends, share advice, while allowing a space to network.
AI in Action Virtual Meetup: Computer Vision 3.0
Teaching CV systems to learn and comprehend like a human, Deep Learning in advanced autonomous driving and Learning with limited labeled data were the topics up for discussion as we learned more great insights into the fascinating world of Computer Vision at the latest AI in Action Virtual Meetup
AI in Action Virtual Meetup: NLP Series 2.0
Socially Responsible AI, designing & improving real-world NLP for production systems and the recent rise of Transformers were the topics up for discussion as we were joined by three great speakers to share their insightful work in the NLP market at the latest AI in Action Virtual Meetup
AI in Action Virtual Meetup: Computer Vision 2.0
Three great speakers from some of Germany’s exciting companies joined host Mark Kelly for the second of our Computer Vision focused AI in Action Virtual meetups with topics ranging from building privacy-first Computer Vision Pipelines, labelling data and legal battles within autonomous driving
AI in Action Virtual Meetup – AI in Healthcare #3
Landmark detection on X-rays for dentistry, innovative healthcare solutions for humans and animals, and unstructured text integration and text mining were the topics up for discussion as we were joined by two fascinating speakers at the latest AI in Action Berlin meetup focused on AI in Healthcare